Zoznam Compositae od Narayani

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  3. Zoznam Compositae od Narayani
Management of all Back Pain.Manažment všetkých bolestí chrbtice.
Ant Tart, Arnica, Variolinum, Tellurium, Bellis Perennis, Spinal Integrity.Zloženie: Ant Tart, Arnica, Variolinum, Tellurium, Bellis Perennis, Spinal Integrity.
CARDIAC & LUNG 30CManagement of all Lung complaints.Manažment všetkých ťažkostí srdca a pľúc.
Cardiac Plexus, Diaphragm, Lung, Lung Tissues, Vagus Nerve.Zloženie: Cardiac Plexus, Diaphragm, Lung, Lung Tissues, Vagus Nerve.
CERVICAL 30CManagement of any condition involving the Upper Shoulder Girdle and Neck areas.Manažment problémov v horných častí ramena a oblasti krku.
Accessory Nerves, Cervical Discs, Cervical Nerve Plexus, Cervical Vertebrae, Sternomastoida, Trapezius Muscles.Zloženie: Accessory Nerves, Cervical Discs, Cervical Nerve Plexus, Cervical Vertebrae, Sternomastoida, Trapezius Muscles.
COLON 30CManagement of Appendicitis,Colitis,Constipation,Chronic Diarrhoea Dysentry, Diverticulities.Manažment appendicitis,colitis,konstipácie chronickej hnačky, dyzentérie, divertikulitídy
Colon Whole, Atomic Colon, Sigmoid Colon.Zloženie: hrubé črevo, atonické črevo, tračník.
GENERAL FLU MIX 200C (GFM)Management of Influenza virus.Manažment ochorenia spôsobeného Influenza virus
Aconite, Belladonna,Chomomilla, Ferrum Phos, Inflenzinum Virus B, Meningococci.Zloženie: Aconitum, Belladonna, Chamomilla, Ferrum Phos, Inflenzinum Virus B, Meningococci.
HEAL OSTEOPOROSIS 200CManagement of Osteoporosis.Manažment osteoporózy.
INFECTION 200CManagement of all Fevers and Infections anywhere in the body.Use with Soham/Specials Immunity as immunity is always low in infections,and Soham/Specials Uplift to boost the blood while the infection is being treated.Manažment všetkých typov horúčiek a infekcií kdekoľvek na tele.
Brain comp,Fever balance,Staph/Strep comp,Penmycin,War.Zloženie: Brain comp, Fever balance, Staph/Strep comp, Penmycin, War mix.
RESPIRATORY 30CManagement of all Asthmatic conditions.Where lungs have been weakened use with Medulla or Cardio Plexus.Manažment astmatických stavov, keď pľúca boli oslabené medulla a cardio plexus.
Adrenalin, Histamine, Lung, Thyroid.Zloženie: Adrenalin, Histamin, pľúca, Thyroidinum.
SKELETAL BALANCEManagement of all Joints.Manažment všetkých kĺbov.
Homeo - Arnica, Aurum Met Bellis Per, Calc Fluor, Calc Phos, Causticum, Conium, Fucus, Hekla Lava, Pinus Sylvestris,Sepia, SymphytumHomeo - Arnica, Aurum Met Bellis Per, Calc Fluor, Calc Phos, Causticum, Conium, Fucus, Hekla Lava, Pinus Sylvestris, Sepia, Symphytum
Organo - Bone, Cartilage, Collagen, Connective Tissue, Ligaments, Red Yellow & White Marrow, Muscles, Tendons, Parathyroid, Periosteum, Spleen,Spleen Meridien.Organo - kosť, chrupavka, kolagén, spojivové tkanivo, ligamenty, špikové kosti - červený žltý biely špik?, svaly, šľachy, Parathyroid, Periosteum, Spleen, Spleen Meridien.
THROAT 200CManagement of Infected Throat, Diphtheria. If there is fever give GFM mix with it. Can also use War mix or Soham/Specials Infection.Manažment infekcií krku, diphtheria.
Diptherinum, Penicillin, Phytolacca,Streptococci.Zloženie: Diptherinum, Penicillin, Phytolacca,Streptococci.
WORMS 30CManagement of Long or Thread Worms.Use in conjunction with eating Raw Carrots.Manažment parazitóz.
Cina, Filix Mar, Nat Phos, Spigelia, Teucrium Mar, Granatum.Zloženie: Cina, Filix Mar, Nat Phos, Spigelia, Teucrium Mar, Granatum.